Monday, June 25, 2012

Public site branding pains in Office 365 P1 Plan

I have been developing a public facing website on Office 365 P1 Plan (Small to medium size enterprises) where I've tried to customize the look and feel. Here are some things that you have to keep in mind when planning to run a public site on Plan P1 -

  • No Publishing Features - you heard it right. Publishing Feature is not installed on the P1 plan public site. Due to this the following limitations are encountered -

    1. No Publishing MasterPage - Cannot develop a Custom Publishing masterpage in your local and deploy to O365 P1. None of the Publishing controls or features work.

    2. No Popup menu for Top Nav - If you are planning for a Pop-up menu, forget it. TopNav made of    dynamic Popups driven via SiteMapProvider do not render at all.

    3. No Page Layouts - Cannot have Page Layouts based on custom Content Types since Publishing Feature is not available (so forget about having Field Controls on your site pages)

    3. In-Browser Editing only with root.master - If you want In-Browser content management (Page Edits) then you have to stick to the root.master page that is found in the root of the site (and not in the /_catalogs/masterpage folder).

    Any changes to root.master makes it Customized (different from the Site Definition) and this causes
    SharePoint to throw a correlation error. (I tried putting some simple Javascript and Jquery with script tags and it broke the masterpage!

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