Thursday, November 12, 2009

Minimal Site Def for SharePoint 2007 / WSS 3.0

If you are looking for a plain Site Definition to start your project, then here it is. I have created a WSPBuilder project in Visual Studio 2008 (Targeting .NET Framework 2.0). The Sitedef is based on TeamSite but does not include the usual lists and has only the SharedDocumets library included.

For most WSS or SharePoint 2007 based web application projects where one does not need Publishing features, this Sitedef can be used as the base to start with.

To further reduce the clutter, only one configuration and one module are included. You can easily rename the template to your project name by changing the following -

Change the Title to your project Title (for example - "My Project"). This need not be same as the Site Definition name and can have spaces.

2. webtempPlainSite.xml file can be renamed to webtemp.xml

3. Under SiteTemplates folder, "PlainSite" folder can be renamed to the name of your project. This will be the new name of the Site Definition. (for example "MyProject")

4. In the renamed webtemp.xml change the name attribute to reflect the new Site definition name (folder name)

You can download the Minimal SiteDef in .zip format from here.

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